
Blogger Bundle for TextMate

Yes, that’s right, I’ve been working in getting TextMate to love Blogger. Some time ago I realized that the Blogger API is no longer compatible with the TextMate’s blogging bundle and I really wanted it to work.

It’s still in a very incomplete state, but at least I can post to my blog from my favourite text editing program, preview my post and add categories to it.

Now I can have a “blogged from TextMate” badge in blogger!!

You can download the bundle from github: blogger.tmbundle.

The extended post also works (if you have the hack for it):


  • Make sure you have the GData, hpricot and RedCloth gems
  • You must set the GDATA_USER variable in TextMate:Preferences:Advanced:Shell Variables
  • Open a Post file from Blogger template
  • Use the publish command, select your blog and type any categories you want in the "Categories "token field.

The template is identical to the ones in the blogging bundle. All you have to do is write the title, the contents and call the Publish command, your password can be saved in the keychain and you’ll be able to see your post after publish it.

I’m waiting for comments, suggestions, errors you encounter and why not, collaboration :)

Happy blogging and new year.

– Juan German Castañeda Echevarría